Conflict of Interest policy
Last revised April 2022
1. Manx Professional & Educational Services Limited (MPES) is required to have in place a Conflicts of Interest policy that enables us to identify, manage and mitigate any potential conflicts of interest. All staff and other individuals have a responsibility to be aware of the potential for a conflict of interest.
2. The purpose of this policy is to protect MPES’ integrity as a business and the integrity of our qualifications and exams. The policy is also designed to protect our staff by providing guidance on handling possible conflicts of interest that may arise as a result of the Company’s role in delivering courses. This policy:
· defines what is meant by conflict of interest.
· describes the role of conflict of interest in the context of working with, or for, an awarding organisation.
· sets out the responsibilities for managing conflict of interest at each level in the organisation.
3. This policy applies to all staff and other individuals who interact, or potentially interact with the work of the awarding organisation. This includes individuals involved with any aspects of the creation, marketing, sales, distribution, marking or any other activity connected with qualifications, tests and assessments, and supporting resources and services.
4. A conflict of interest is a situation in which an individual, or organisation, has competing interests or loyalties. In the case of an individual, the conflict of interest could compromise or appear to compromise their decisions if it is not properly managed.
5. In this context, a Conflict of Interest occurs where any member of staff who has access to privileged information, could, potentially, use that information, or their position, to give an unfair advantage to a close friend or relative entered for an examination/assessment at MPES. The term ‘Related People’ is used to cover close friends or relatives. A Conflict of Interest also occurs if any member of your centre’s staff is entered for an examination/assessment.
6. MPES will: Review its processes annually to ensure that all conflicts of interest or potential conflicts of interest are managed and resolved. Ensure that the contractual arrangements clearly set out any obligations on them to declare and manage conflicts of interest arising from other activities that they undertake. Ensure that anyone who has access to confidential assessment material for a qualification understands the confidential nature of the content. Ensure that all members of staff declare any interest for friends or family sitting examinations.
7. The Governing Body have the ultimate responsibility for the Conflict of Interest policy, dissemination of the policy and management of potential and actual conflicts of interest rests with the Governing body.
8. MPES is responsible for communicating the conflict of interest policy to all relevant individuals within their areas of responsibility annually.
9. MPES is responsible for ensuring that all new staff receive conflict of interest information.